Tue, 23 March 2021
In this show, Mary Stewart Adams joins me for the first time to share her starlore wisdom earned under dark skies. She calls herself a starlore historian and her roots run deep with astrology, yet many branches have sprouted over the years through myth and storytelling, English literature, and being an activist for dark skies. She has also just published her first book about the correlations of starlore with Mother Goose tales (LINK BELOW). Enjoy.www.Patreon.com/adamsommer ....to support the creation of my writings/podcasts and be showered with gifts as well
www.Holestoheavens.com ...to adventure deeper into kosmos, mythos, and psyche her site: |
Sun, 7 March 2021
In this show, the legend Michael Meade joins us to talk about our mythless dilemma. He shares his story of how he got into storytelling, offers a candle in this dark night of the apocalypse, and even shares a story that leans into the purpose of life. I can safely say it was one of my favorite shows I've ever done. Have a listen. Michael's site: www.Patreon.com/adamsommer ....to support the creation of my writings/podcasts and be showered with gifts as well www.Holestoheavens.com ...to adventure deeper into kosmos, mythos, and psyche
Direct download: Michael_Meade_Podcast_final_version.mp3
Category:Storytelling -- posted at: 10:53am EDT |